Junior’s Diary – March

Well – here we are again and it’s nearly Easter. I feel well and truly abandoned. I knew something was up in January when my mum started to sort out her clothes. She always hides her bags from me because she knows I get upset if she’s going away and then all the house cats […]

Junior’s New Year Diary

Well, you wouldn’t believe what a busy month we’ve had here at Syros Cats. Christmas is always a bit chaotic, with lots of people. My mum always collects greenery and makes decorations for the house. We older cats know to leave them alone, but for the younger ones, it’s great sport trying to get them […]

Junior’s Diary – December

Well, hello again. I’m Junior, writing this month’s blog from the comfort of an indoor bed. After a few days when it was just like summer, it’s really cold again – I hate it when an icy wind blows through my fur. First, a few updates. Olivia is becoming a house cat. I don’t really […]

Junior’s Diary – November

My mum has gone away – again! She did tell me this time and said she wouldn’t be long, but it does seem like a long time, even though I’m keeping her bed warm and keeping an eye on things. I’m grateful to get replacement cuddles from others here. Well it’s cold and wet now. […]

Junior’s diary – September

I can’t believe how busy it is round here. I have to keep my wits about me to make sure I monitor everything that’s going on. Mum’s builder is back and staying with us, so he’s been renovating some of our sheds to make sure they don’t leak. We haven’t had any rain yet, but […]

Junior’s Diary – August

I can’t believe how quickly the months roll by… In Greece, the humans say ‘Kalo Myna’ at the beginning of each month. August is usually the hottest and driest month and we’ll all be pleased to have a bit of cooler weather for September. But this month’s news, you wouldn’t believe it! We’ve had some […]

Junior’s Diary – July

Well, it’s been a busy month at Syros Cats – very, very hot and we can smell smoke from distant wildfires near Athens and on other islands. That’s a bit scary… I’m Junior, just reporting on what’s happening on our small Greek island. I spend a lot of time on my mum’s bed. I love […]

Junior’s Diary – June

Well, I thought it was about time I updated you on what’s going on around Kini and at Syros Cats. I’m Junior, I like to think I’m top cat and I get to sleep on my mom’s bed every night. I make sure I’m waiting there when she comes to bed. That’s a bit of […]

A Day In the Life of Gremlin

I was always very scared. I never had friends, cat or human. I’d wait, hiding in the bushes, until everyone else had fed themselves and the humans had gone. Often there was nothing left for me and I was hungry. I must have looked a mess. I have long black fur, now it’s fluffy and […]

A Day in the Life of Rua

Hi everyone, I’m Rua. It’s a bit of a silly name for a cat, but I just got stuck with it and now I’ve got my passport and everything – Rua it will stay! I don’t remember much about my early life. But I couldn’t see like my siblings and one day I wandered off […]