Giving In Memory

Donating or fundraising in someone’s memory is a very special and meaningful way to remember them – honouring their life and helping others at the same time.
Below are some different ways you can support Animal Action Greece in memory of a loved one.
Make a donation in their name:
You can make a one off online donation in someone’s name by clicking HERE. For alternative ways to donate, including by cheque or bank transfer, click HERE.
Collect at a funeral or memorial:
Collecting donations at a funeral can help Animal Action Greece make a lasting difference in memory of your loved one. You might choose to do this by asking for donations instead of flowers. You could also hold a collection at a celebration of life service or memorial event.
Please be aware of the restrictions on attendance at funerals due to the coronavirus. To help connect friends and family unable to attend the funeral, you may want to invite them to make a donation in memory of your loved one via an online tribute page (see below).
Set up an online tribute page:
Although wider family and friends may not be able to attend a service, they may still want to honour and remember a loved one by creating an online tribute fund.
Tribute pages are free to set up and are your own individual webpage where family and friends, near or far, can share special memories, support each other and celebrate a loved one’s life in a very personal way. You could also share on the tribute page why you have chosen to raise money for Animal Action Greece in their name or why the charity was important to your loved one.
You can set up an online tribute page via websites such as MuchLoved and JustGiving.
If you have any questions about giving in someone’s memory, you can get in touch with us:
Email: / Phone: 020 7357 8500