New EU Parliament Must Champion Animal Welfare

As the first plenary of the new European Parliament took place in Strasbourg this week, Animal Action Greece is calling on the new Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to prioritize animal welfare, reflecting the strong demands of European citizens. This call is especially significant in Greece, where animal welfare has increasingly become a major […]

Transforming the lives of Greece’s stray cats

Greece is home to an estimated 3 million stray cats who all too often have short, distressing lives.  Constantly searching for their next meal, at risk of injury, disease and abuse these vulnerable cats can spend their entire lives without any veterinary care, shelter or positive human contact.  No new homeless kittens  Our top priority […]

Vote for the animals European election campaign launched in Greece

Greek animal welfare organizations who are members of the Eurogroup for Animals today announced that they will be using this year’s elections for the European Parliament to make the case for improvements in the treatment of animals across Europe. The Vote for Animals campaign, which is being rolled across Europe by the Eurogroup for Animals, […]

Wolves’ protection status in EU under threat

The European Commission’s appears committed to “decide on a proposal to modify, where appropriate, the status of protection of the wolf within the EU and to update the legal framework, to introduce, where necessary, further flexibility” by the end of the year. However, it is a policy decision on a crucial issue that is being […]

The EU responds to a ban of fur farms

Over the past few years, we have rallied in support of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) #FurFreeEU petition, advocating for the cessation of fur farms and the sale of fur products within the European Union. Fur Free EU gathered an impressive 1.5 million signatures, including 21,566 from Greece, all united in calling for a Fur […]

Greek MEPs urged to prioritise animal welfare

Animal Action Greece has written to the 21 Members of the European Parliament that represent Greece urging them to support the long awaited revision to the EU’s animal welfare legislation in the work programme for 2024. “Despite promising to publish a revision of the EU’s animal welfare legislation this year we are fast approaching the […]


European legislation mandates that all equines are registered and identified by an identification document, such as an equine passport, which is crucial to the traceability and surveillance of horses, donkeys and mules. In 2018, after a two year campaign led by Greek equine charity, Ippothesis, animal welfare organisations achieved their goal of the introduction of […]


A joint letter to the Greek Prime Minister from 61 environmental organisations, scientific experts, and representatives of the local community has called for an end to seismic exploration activities in the Hellenic Trench. Experts believe that seismic activity in the sea may be linked to the recent strandings of three Cuvier’s beaked whales on a […]

Revision of EU Animal Welfare Legislation

The European Commission has held a public consultation on the revision of animal welfare legislation, as part of their wider agenda to address animal welfare as an EU citizen priority within their ‘Farm to Fork’ Strategy. This 14 week consultation closed on 21 January 2022 with the aim to collect the opinions of the general […]

1 million people call for the end of circus animals in Europe

A petition calling for a ban on the use of animals in circuses, led by Eurogroup for Animals, has recently hit 1,000,000 signatures and has been handed over to representatives of the European Parliament. Started in 2018 by InfoCircos, a coalition of animal and wildlife welfare groups, the petition played a key role in Eurogroup […]