Our 2019 Syros Sterilisation Programme has officially begun

What an inspiring way to start the year! Our 2019 Syros Sterilisation Programme officially began this month with a 3-day “neutering marathon” three weeks ago! Dr. Manolis Vorrisis, the driving force behind this programme, and the brilliant team of volunteers from Syros Cats tirelessly worked together to capture and neuter as many cats as possible, and by the end of our visit a total 106 cats went on to live longer and much healthier lives.

Our Sterilisation Programme will be here again in February and hopefully run throughout 2019. This means there is a possibility we could reach a target of neutering 1,000 cats by the end of the year – a third of the estimated population on Syros!

Imagine a Greek island with no half starved cats scavenging in bins. Your donation will help our programme in Syros get on top of the stray population there. Together we can make it a reality! https://www.animalactiongreece.org/donate/


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