Tinos Cats

We are delighted to announce a new collaboration on the island of Tinos for 2023!
We currently work with local organisations on Syros and Paros to sterilise their stray cat population. Manos Vorrisis, owner and veterinarian at We Live Together on Syros also regularly visits Tinos, the island just north of Syros, to map the population and sterilise strays on the island. Like Syros, there are an estimated 3,000 cats on Tinos, many of which are not neutered, resulting in the population growing uncontrollably and lots of hungry mouths to feed.
We are excited to kickstart the year with our new collaboration on Tinos. Manos aims to sterilise 300+ cats on the island before Easter 2023, and we are pleased to offer initial funding for 120 of these cats. Our funding will be providing neutering, vaccinating, microchipping and (where required) parasite treatment for some of the stray cats of Tinos.
We are pleased to extend our sterilisation impact to more Greek islands this year, to help more cats live a better quality of life. Keep an eye on our Facebook  page and our website’s latest news for updates on our progress!

Latest Tinos Cats News

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