Back in April we sent a box of ‘goodies’ to the volunteers of NAWS (Naxos Animal Welfare Society). The cats and dogs they look after at their shelter needed protection from diseases spread by ticks, fleas and intestinal parasites. ( Shhhh… never say the M-word… Medication). Now, we have sent another boxful and follow up ‘treats’
are already being handed out. (But only if you’ve been a VERY good girl/boy).
During this time of virus-induced anxiety, our movements are restricted. So we are rebalancing our work… travelling less ourselves and extending more of our support to local groups that we know take a sensible and effective approach to the problem of overpopulation of cats and dogs; seeking to treat and rehome as many as possible without condemning them to a life behind bars. Getting the animals sterilised, microchipped and healthy makes an ENORMOUS difference to their chances of finding a loving forever home. This is what the medications we provide help the volunteers to achieve.
Although a few, marvellously compassionate people will take on a mangy-looking, depressed and underweight animal with weepy eyes and a dull coat, the truth is that the bright-eyed, glossy-coated and ‘full of beans’ animal is more likely to be chosen – particularly by a Greek family.
Naturally, we’re delighted by every ‘happy ending’ story wherever the end of the rainbow touches down – be it in the UK or further afield – but we’re big believers in persuading Greek people that it is THEY who must, in the end, take responsibility for the welfare of animals in their own country. Providing Greeks with an opportunity to have their hearts touched by an adopted stray is what the best volunteer groups do. It seems to us a pretty good place to start.
If you agree, please support our approach with a donation and… share this post!
Thank you for caring and for everything you do.