While Greece is in lockdown, people need a certificate if they leave their homes for any reason. Animal Action Greece is doing what it can to respond to animal welfare emergencies, including lobbying successfully to ensure official permits for people to go out and feed stray animals! For now town halls across the country issue special […]
Local Animal Welfare Organisations

Attica Region Panhellenic Association of Animal-lovers “ARGOS” tel: +30 6944202625 Animal-lovers’ Society of Agia Paraskevi, tel: +30 210-639-0916 SAPT Hellas, tel: 6974 481351 Animal Welfare Group of Dionysos, tel: +30 6944 884735 Nea Ionia Animal Welfare Association, tel: +30 6939 424244, + 30 6972 577607 Hellenic Animal Welfare Society (Filozoiki), tel: +30 210-722-6444. Animal Welfare […]
Greek Legislation

There are specific Greek laws governing animal welfare and their protection from cruelty and abuse. The following links are provided to help animal lovers use this information in the interest of reporting any welfare or cruelty or abuse issue to the authorities. Companion Animal Law On 15th September 2021, the Greek government voted for and […]

EUROPEAN GUIDELINES – EQUINE WELFARE Guide to good animal welfare practice for the keeping, care, training and use of horses Guide to good animal welfare practice for the keeping, care, training and use of donkeys and donkey hybrids Guidance for competent authorities and tourism operators to ensure the welfare of working equids in tourism Donkey […]
How to Report Animal Cruelty

Guidance on reporting animal abuse when in Greece Under the Greek law (Article 16, Law 4039/2012 & Article 1, Law 1197/1981) defines ANY of the following acts to be forms of animal abuse: Active animal abuse: Poisoning; Hanging; Drowning; Crushing; Mutilation: Cutting or cropping an animal’s ears and/or; Docking the animal’s tail; Abandonment; Neglect; Illegal trading Sexual […]